
Precipitation totals last 24 hours
Precipitation totals last 24 hours

precipitation totals last 24 hours

NWS Precipitation Image overlays are provided by the National Weather Service. Illinois 24-Hour Precipitation (click image for high resolution version) CoCoRaHS Observations: Enlarge image, go to CoCoRaHS HOUR PRECIPITATION DATA IN INCHES, FOR ILLINOIS AND THE SURROUNDING STATES, INCLUDING 24-HR DATA THROUGH 7 AM, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12, 2022. Rain Gauge Table (with detailed recent Antecedent Conditions). USGS rain-gage data shown in the table are available at Water Data for the Nation : Current North Carolina Precipitation

  • “ – – ” Parameter not determined, usually due to missing data.
  • The "no data" icon is the result of an NWISWeb status code: Explore the NEW USGS National Water Dashboard interactive map to access real-time water data from over 13,500 stations nationwide. Rainfall totals for the last 24 hours to 3 days high resolution map. John River Basin: 470646069052501: Dickey Precipitation at Dickey, Maine : 11/10 10:15 EST : 0 . 7-hour rain and snow forecast for Abilene, TX with 24-hour rain accumulation. The colored portion of the icon will represent the precipitation amount for that time interval. Precipitation in inches during the previous 4 hours 12 hours 24 hours 7 days 28 days St.

    precipitation totals last 24 hours

    Half colored icons designate gage data that appears to be logging correctly but is over 1 hour and 15 minutes older than the NWISWeb time stamp at the top of the Rainfall page.Hourly and Daily values are calculated from the last time a gage value was updated, which is not necessarily the time this web page was updated. * For precipitation values less than 0.01 inches, the USGS gage symbol is white and the National Weather Service overlay is transparent.

    #Precipitation totals last 24 hours full

    Legend colors refer to both USGS gage and National Weather Service precipitation overlay (at full opacity).

    Precipitation totals last 24 hours